I am obsessed with all things city-flourishing. Cities matter to God. I am bullish about my love for my city of Colorado Springs. The Hebrew word Shalom inspires me to seek the flourishing of my city in every sector including social, economic, physical, and psychological. I am a serial collaborator of people around ideas and initiatives that have the greatest city impact. I am a futurist inspired by visions of what the future could be. I have an entrepreneurial spirit and make calculated moves. I am generally hopeful and optimistic of the human race. I am a natural developer of people and passionate about helping them find their niche. I credit my successes to the leaders that believed and invested in me, and I am committed to paying it forward. I am a life-long learner. My delight in speaking and teaching stems from my delight in learning. Education is an intrinsic value to me. I am intent on knowing "why" and looking under the hood. When all is said and done, in the words of author Mark Batterson, I want to see God do things in me and through me that I am absolutely incapable of so I can’t possibly take credit for them.